Friday, October 4, 2024

Swedish study: Scandinavian wolves are genetically pure

 Research (link)  shows that Scandinavian wolves are racially pure and have not mixed with dogs. According to the study, canine hydridism is a problem elsewhere in Europe. A Swedish study states that the Scandinavian wolves are of eastern origin and that the origin of the migration was Finland and Karelia in Russia. Wolves clearly more eastern than this belong to a different stock and the Chinese wolf turns out to be a hybrid. Pure wolf populations can also be found in North America.

The research is methodologically convincing. The selection of material for individual tests has been successful, considering the small size of wolf populations in Fennoscandinavia. Among other things, efforts have been made to eliminate the influence of close relatives on the results.  The effect of small populations is still clear in the PCA plots,  it would have been impossible to avoid totally.  It would have been good to eliminate relatives also in research when searching for the origin of Finnish Homo Sapiens. Of course, the scientific objective attitude is probably easier to follow in the case of wolves than in the case of linguistic and state institutions.

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