I did a new test searching admixtures of Karelians. Academic Karelians given by Russian researchers are likely from the White Sea region. As far as I know they are relatives of Finnish Karelians, but still a different group. In Finland only people living in the Karelian Isthmus were considered as original Karelians, but probably in Russia the Karelian ethnicity is a wider concept and those figured as more southern Finnic people are called Ingrians, while in Finland they are called Izhorians. For better or worse, the Karelians published by Russian researchers are not easy to determine by any Finnish ancestry, neither those called Ingrians by Russian researchers are what they should be (in my opinion). The Ingrians as understood in Finland were an eastern migration of East Finns in the 17th century while Izhorians are considered as an old Baltic Finnic group. What we see later, the published Karelians seems to be quite an archaic group and the best but not qualitatively confirmed match for them was Baltic_BA (Baltic Bronze Age) plus even older Bolshoy Olegi Ostrov samples from the Kola Peninsula, both samples not belonging to any known Finno-Ugric speaking people. The published Ingrians seem to be a very Finnish group, which is reasonable, but being closer Southwest Finns than East Finns I would say that they actually are Izhorians. After this prologue I want also say that I probably will not do more these Finnish analyses, not before Finnish researchers publish new Iron Age Finnish samples. They published some data of them already two years ago, plus I found accidentally a newer international study citation and results figuring Iron Age Finnish samples showing unprecedented results. I linked this study in my older letter, but the study disappeared later, so I can't tell if it was anything noteworthy or only a misconception, which was later removed (link: http://terheninenmaa.blogspot.com/2020/09/study-southwestern-finnish-samples-from.html?m=1 ).
Best f3-results. It seems like Karelians, Tavastians and East Finns compose a partly mixed entity, while Southwestern Finns belong to another entity.
Karelians - probably White Sea Karelians
Ingrians - probably Izhorians
FIN-East - Savolaxians
FIN-West - Tavastians
FIN-North - likely samples from Torne River Valley
FIN-Southwest - samples from Finland Proper
Common ancestries: