The I1-CTS2208 clade is mostly a Scandinavian I1 clan and can be assumed to have originated in southern Sweden (?). Its root to the present is 2900-3900 years old (source Yfull, formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 2900 ybp). From Sweden, it expanded its territory radially to nearby areas. It has been particularly successful in Finland, where its share of the male population is around 30%.
The test material was downloaded from Familytreedna's I1 project and all samples cover 67 str markers. Due to the significant Finnish emigration to nearby areas, I removed from the material all samples of the Finnish clan found in Sweden, Norway and Russia (in Russia, most of these are ancestors from Karelia, which was handed over to Russia in the war). In practice, all of these Finnish samples represent a young migration movement, and most of them can easily find a Finnish root in the Finnish church records. In addition, I removed similarities that indicate close kinship from the large Finnish material.
The results clearly show an old overlap in the Finnish and Swedish samples, with the Swedish samples placed at the root in time (Yfull). It would be interesting to look at the TMRCA of those overlapping samples. The timings of the I1 tree can be examined in YFull. It should be noted that the neighbor diagram does not represent the age structure, but the distance of the samples and the tree structure arise from the genetic distances of the sample set, regardless of TMRCA's between samples or sample groups. In contrast to similar posts I did earlier, where the results were based on TMRCA data, now the results are based on str data. Germany, Ireland, Poland and Denmark consist of one sample each.
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