Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Notification: links in old posts don't work

 As I already reminded earlier links in older posts don't work.  This notification because I see people reading also them.  This happens usually with posts before year 2020.  This happened due to a regrettable event with my online service provider who one day annoynced to shut this service.  Because I have somewhat changed my blog content to handle more news than making tests, I decided to let them go.  

One reason to that decision (to make news rather than tests) was that researchers don't today publish ancient genome data.  Also, many tests are not easy to benefit and summarizing results in cases of limited data is always less or more opinions.  We have a lot examples of this made by researchers.

The world changes, so do I.  I try to keep my reader up-to-day of Finnish history revealed by ancient genomes, be critical and objective while evaluating new studies. This means that I try to ignore nationalistic, linguistic and tribal ideologies, as well as "internet warrior" themes.

Some day I'll move older posts to another blog, if I find out how to do it.

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